
A Guide to the Staying Put Program


It’s been 10 years since the Staying Put Program was first established. It was designed to help young people at the age of 18, when they become care leavers and would have previously been classed as too old to stay on with their former foster carers. In this guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the staying put program and how it works.

Why was the Staying Put Program introduced?

Data from the Office of National Statistics states that the number of adult children living at home increased by 13.6% between the 2011 and 2021 Census. This is due to a number of different factors, such as the cost of living crisis and less affordable housing available.

The transition for most adults between living with their parents and living independently is longer than it was for previous generations. So, for young people in foster care, turning 18 and leaving the foster care system can be a sudden disruption to living arrangements, education and household relationships. Therefore, the Staying Put Program was introduced in 2014 to level the playing field and allow young people in care to transition gradually from care to independence or adult social services.

What is Staying Put?

Put simply, “Staying Put” is a framework where young people who were in foster care prior to their 18th birthday remain living with their foster carers if both parties agree, as set out in the young person’s Pathway Plan.

Legally, Staying Put is not the same as fostering because, after the age of 18, a young person is no longer ‘in care’ or ‘looked after’ in the eyes of the law. The arrangement lasts up until:

  • The young person reaches their 21st Birthday
  • Until they complete their agreed program of education or training being undertaken on their 21st Birthday, as long as they have continuously stayed in their arrangement since their 18th Birthday


  • While they return to their arrangement during their university holidays and study weeks.

The young person and former foster carer will receive financial support from local authorities as part of the staying put arrangement. These payments are disregarded for the foster carers' means-tested benefit calculations. For more information about benefits and fostering, read our guides.   

What changes when a young person Stays Put?

When a young person reaches the age of 18, they are legally no longer in foster care, even if they are Staying Put. This means that foster carers will no longer receive a fostering allowance. Instead, they will receive financial support from the local authority.

What other support is available?

When a young person reaches the age of 17, they may be eligible for additional help from Capstone Care Leavers Trust, which is designed to help young people get started in adult life by providing grants, where other young people may have family support for things like:

  • Further and higher education courses
  • Laptops
  • Household goods
  • Driving lessons

Additionally, the Care Leavers Association is a charity-led organisation providing support and resources to care leavers across the UK.

To find out more, read our guide about what happens when a foster placement ends, our dedicated blog on care leavers, or contact us for more information today.  

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