
Foster Care Fortnight


Capstone Foster Care will be taking part in the Fostering Network's annual national awareness and recruitment campaign, Foster Care Fortnight. 

Foster Care Fortnight 2023 will take place from 15th to 28th May, 2023. The main goal of these national awareness days is raising the profile of fostering in the UK.

What is Foster Care Fortnight?

All too often, fostering stories that make headlines are the few negative tales of something that went wrong. With 68,000 children and young people in care at any given moment and with 8,500 of those children and young people needing foster homes immediately, it is essential that the people of the UK are able to see a more accurate and positive picture of foster care where there is a social network that steps in to help vulnerable children live safe and happy lives. That’s where Fostering Fortnight steps in.

Foster Care Fortnight is an opportunity to find out about the need for, the activities of, and the services available to foster carers in your area. One of the things you will learn is that there is a huge need for carers for older children, sibling groups, disabled children, and unaccompanied asylum seeking children.

Capstone Foster Care, along with other agencies, will be in the South East, Midlands, South West, and the North during these two weeks in May. Media outlets will provide details on the national campaign.

How can fostering fortnight benefit me?

Foster Care Fortnight is the ideal time to gather information about becoming a foster carer or just to learn more about how the system works. During the special fortnight-long campaign, you can learn how fostering and your local authority work together, as well as what a fostering agency is and how independent agencies work with local authorities. There is a great deal of information available on the financial, educational, and legal support available.

Typically, people are curious about the requirements for being a foster carer. They are often surprised to discover that you can foster as a single person. When it comes to fostering, your marital status does not matter. You can be gay or straight, single, common-law, or married. Age is not a factor, maturity is. You need to be in good health.

Reserve the date for fostering fortnight and learn about skills you need. We need families that can bring love into the lives of children in care. Think this could be you? Get in touch with us today.

Capstone is one of the UK’s independent fostering agencies. We have hundreds of carers throughout England and we always need more foster carers. If you are interested in fostering, check us out during Foster Care Fortnight 2023 and learn about the fostering services we provide and our support network. Look for our presentations in your area and in local media. Talk to us if you are interested in knowing more about fostering.

Contact Capstone Foster Care for more information on 0800 012 4004 now.


Thinking of fostering?

If you’ve got any questions or would like to find out more about fostering with Capstone, fill out the form below.
An experienced fostering advisor from your local area will then be in touch.

We need this to put you in touch with your local fostering advisor.

The information you provide will be used to respond to the enquiry you have submitted, for further information please refer to our privacy policy.

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Start the conversation today. Our team of friendly advisors are on hand to answer any foster care questions you may have. We can offer you honest and practical advice that can help you decide if becoming a foster carer is the right path for you. 

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Contact us by phone and one of our friendly fostering experts will be on hand for any foster care advice and support you require.

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