
What is an EHC Plan? A Guide for Foster Carers


Statistically, children in foster care are more than four times more likely to have Special Educational Needs than children who are not in care. As a result, they are twice as likely to need additional support for those needs.

As a foster carer, you play a vital role in supporting your foster child’s education, so it’s important to ensure their education is positive, inclusive and tailored to their needs. In this guide, we’ll explain what to do if your foster child needs additional support and what to do if their school is unable to meet their needs.

What is an EHCP?

EHCP stands for an Education, Health and Care Plan, which is a legal document that is designed to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The document identifies the areas where the child or young person requires support across education, health and social care and outlines methods of meeting the required level of assistance.

Who is eligible for an EHCP?

There are a number of reasons why a child might benefit from an EHC plan, specifically if they have complex needs. Some examples of scenarios where an EHCP plan might be beneficial include;

  • Learning Difficulties: If your foster child has severe learning difficulties, they may require a tailored approach to their educational needs. Similarly, children with specific needs like dyslexia may benefit from more support to progress with their education.
  • Autism or Communication Difficulties: Certain developmental conditions, like autism, can make it difficult for children to understand instructions or work in a group environment. Children with autism may also have sensory sensitivities that can make mainstream school difficult.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs: Some children in foster care may have experienced trauma and develop anxious attachments, which could require therapeutic interventions alongside schooling. Other mental health conditions, such as PTSD, could also make it difficult for children to focus at school.
  • Physical and Medical Needs: Children with advanced medical needs may require additional equipment and one-on-one support to cater to their needs and keep them safe in a school environment.

Some children may have multi-agency needs where additional support is required across different areas. Essentially, an EHC plan will be put in place if your foster child’s additional needs are holding them back in their education and their current educational setting is unable to provide enough support to meet their potential. While there is no lower age limit to an EHCP, there is an upper age limit of 25 years. 

When to apply for an EHCP?

An EHC plan is usually the last point of call after intervention from your foster child’s school or teachers, such as an Individual Education Plan or a SEN Support plan. 

You should consider applying for EHCP if your foster child’s needs are complex or long-term and if your foster child is struggling to make adequate progress despite the school’s best efforts. Your school might advise an EHCP if they believe your foster child requires more support than they can reasonably provide. 

How to apply for an EHCP?

If you’re considering applying for an EHC plan for your foster child, you’ll need to apply through your local authority. Alternatively, your foster child’s school can also apply on your behalf. 

For your application, you’ll need documented evidence, such as reports from your foster child’s school and doctor. It may also be helpful to include information from your child’s social worker in addition to a letter from you about your foster child’s needs. 

Once you have submitted the information to the local authority, it will take up to 16 weeks for them to respond. If they confirm, the local authority will create an EHC plan and send you a copy. You’ll then have 15 days to comment. The whole process should take 20 weeks, from the initial request for the assessment to the final EHC plan.

Supporting a Child with Complex Needs in Foster Care

Just like any child, a foster child with complex needs also needs a safe, nurturing and loving environment. Here at Capstone Foster Care, our therapeutic foster carers are supported by a Multi-Disciplinary Assessment Treatment and Therapy Service to provide foster children with mental health services at the point of need. We provide support and training to our foster carers so that you’re equipped with the tools you need to give the very best care to your foster child.  

Thinking of fostering?

If you are thinking about becoming a foster carer and want to learn more about therapeutic fostering or fostering a child with a disability, request a brochure today and take the first step to becoming a foster carer.    

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