
Private Fostering


If you're new to fostering, you might be wondering exactly what private fostering is and how it differs from local authority fostering and kinship arrangements. In this guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know, including how private foster care is classified.

What is Private Foster Care?

Private fostering refers to the care of a child under the age of 16 that is made without the involvement of a local authority. Private fostering can also be applicable to the care of a child over 16 if that child is disabled. Private foster care is arranged between the child’s parent with the intention that the arrangement should last for 28 days or more and that the child should be provided with continuous care.

Not everyone can be a private foster carer for a specific child. A parent or close relative cannot become a private foster carer.  Under the Children Act 1989, a close relative is defined as a grandparent, brother, sister, uncle or aunt (whether of full-blood or half-blood or by marriage) or step-parent. If a close relative becomes involved in caring for the child, it is considered kinship care. However, a member of the extended family, such as a cousin or great aunt can be a foster carer.

Is Private Fostering the Same as Fostering Through an Independent Foster Care Agency?

No, fostering through an independent foster care agency, like us here at Capstone Foster Care, is not the same as becoming a private foster carer. This is because if you foster for an Independent Foster Care Agency, you’ll be fostering a child who has been taken into care when a Care Order has been given under the Children Act of 1989.  

 In Private Fostering, the parent is financially responsible for the child. The private foster carer can check into what, if any, welfare benefits they might be entitled to because the child is living in their household, such as a Child Tax Credit. However, the parent is the one who is responsible for the cost of maintaining the child. This differs from fostering through an Independent Foster Care Agency, as you’ll receive a fostering allowance to pay for your child’s needs and to remunerate you for your time and skill.

How Do Children Get Placed in Private Foster Care?

When a child is placed into private foster care, parental consent is usually necessary, although there are certain circumstances where young people can make their own arrangements. For example, they might be an unaccompanied asylum seeker. Often, young people will drift from one friend’s place to another, relying on those families for food and shelter. It may be that their home life is not working out for them, and they don’t know how to look for support from schools or relevant agencies. That's why it helps to understand how the law can help. If you are aware of a child in need of assistance, notify children’s social care. 

How is Private Foster Care Regulated?

Often, privately fostered children can be vulnerable. As a result, the National Minimum Standards for Private Fostering were established in 2005 to allow the local authority to assess private carers. Before this, there was no requirement for anyone to check up on the welfare of a child in private foster care. The National Minimum Standards guidelines set out the role of the local authority in private fostering, which is to ensure that there are adequate safeguards in place to protect the child.

Parents and carers should notify the local authority when a private fostering arrangement is made. Even though the local authority is not involved in the parent’s decision for the child to stay with a private carer, they are responsible for ensuring their new home meets the needs of the child.

In private fostering, the parent or the person with parental responsibility is the one who makes any decisions about the child even though the child is not living with them. The parent may delegate some decisions to the private foster carer. It makes daily life easier if the fostering carer can decide on immunisations, visits to the doctor or dentist, and school trips without consulting the parent. However, if the parent wants to override any of the decisions the foster carer makes, they can do so.

Fostering with Capstone?

If you would like more information or advice, contact Capstone Foster Care or your local authority. Privately fostering a child can be rewarding but it can also be challenging to work with a child, providing education and other services without having decision-making rights. Call us on 0800 012 4004 or download a brochure today.

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